Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pictures That Lie

I chose the picture of OJ Simpson in Time magazine that has been altered because it shows how the media can influence the feelings of a person by simply making them look a certain way. Most of America already thought he did the crime and was wrongly convicted, but the picture makes him appear as though he is more evil than he really is. This picture was originally his mug shot and shows up unaltered in Newsweek. The picture was altered to look older, darker and scarier because the media was trying to sway America’s view of OJ to match theirs through the picture. Yes, the manipulation was harmful because it causes the people and courts to have a tilted view of him (even if he deserved to go to jail).


  1. It's interesting to see the different techniques that the media uses to influence public opinion.

  2. This is a great example of how the controversial the media is. You never know if what you're reading is true. The sad part is, is that so many people would never k now it was manipulated.

  3. I think it's obvious to everyone that this picture was edited. Nevertheless, it can influence people unconsciously. It's not as if they're lying, persay, but they definitely are distorting perceptions. Too bad.
