Monday, February 15, 2010


Many say plagiarism is ethically wrong because it is considered stealing ideas from someone else. The law fortifies that thought by forbidding plagiarism and by making this act illegal. Others think the material that is available to one is available to all with no penalty or restrictions. But there are restrictions called Copyright. Copyright protects the creators by allowing them to control the reproductions and profits of their works.

In my opinion, it is the right thing to give credit where credit is due but the restrictions that are in place now might be a little too harsh. For example, if a teacher wants to copy a book for a class then that teacher should be able to do so with little trouble because it is for education. I think that, especially for education, there should be no need to site every single source or go by copyright laws. Overall, the laws that have been put in place to protect the creator are sufficient and not much needs to be changed.

Creative Commons License
Copyright by Nicole Benjamin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

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