Thursday, January 14, 2010


My name is Nicole, if you would like you could email me here. I am from Galveston, Texas. My little barrier island was recently hit by Hurricane Ike, and there was a substantial amount of damage done to the houses and businesses. My house had five and a half feet of water in it, and it became unlivable after that. My family and I bought a new house last year.

I like to play golf and volunteer in my spare time. Right now, my majors are Psychology and Spanish, and I plan on becoming a Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon for Burns. Besides studying and volunteering, I go watch a lot of movies with my suite mate.

I have taken an AP Computer Science class in high school, but don't let that make you think I know a lot about computers. I just learned what I needed to know for the class. I have also worked quite a bit with excel, for a previous job I had.


  1. It's really cool that you like to play golf. I play for the Trinity team and love it!

  2. Great job with your blog. My uncle is a reconstructive plastic surgeon that will be a fun career!

  3. I didn't know you want to be a reconstructive plastic surgeon for burns! That is the coolest thing!

  4. I was so sad about Bolivar - we used to rent a house at crystal beach that is gone. Ike was not a good thing :(
