Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Trinity Network Diagram

The tour was pretty neat. Strangely enough, the room with all the servers was slightly hot, even though the cold air was obviously coming out of the vents. Overall the information was interesting, but it was hard to hear.
This diagram was very intricate and detailed. It took a lot of time and thought in order to make sure everything made sense.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Top Tech Tip

I learned why the school forces us to use their software, instead of being able to use our own. Mainly it is because they want consistancy to be able to track things that go into the network. It is a good way to keep everything under control and safe. After learning these facts, I deleted my own antivirus software, because I was also informed that having both Sophos and a personal antivirus software can damage your computer.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


My name is Nicole, if you would like you could email me here. I am from Galveston, Texas. My little barrier island was recently hit by Hurricane Ike, and there was a substantial amount of damage done to the houses and businesses. My house had five and a half feet of water in it, and it became unlivable after that. My family and I bought a new house last year.

I like to play golf and volunteer in my spare time. Right now, my majors are Psychology and Spanish, and I plan on becoming a Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon for Burns. Besides studying and volunteering, I go watch a lot of movies with my suite mate.

I have taken an AP Computer Science class in high school, but don't let that make you think I know a lot about computers. I just learned what I needed to know for the class. I have also worked quite a bit with excel, for a previous job I had.